Why MySQL-server-5.5.37 install fail?

2014-05-04 Thread EdwardKing
I'm newbie to mysql and I want to install mysql under Centos 5.8 using MySQL-server-5.5.37-1.linux2.6.i386.rpm, I use following command to intall mysql #[root@master software]# rpm -ivh MySQL-server-5.5.37-1.linux2.6.i386.rpm Preparing...

mysql Access denied error

2014-05-04 Thread EdwardKing
I use mysql to create a database and grant rights to a user hadooptest,then I use hadooptest to login mysql and use the database,but it failed. Why raise error after I grant rights? How to solve it? Thanks. My operation is follows: [hadoop@master ~]$ mysql -h localhost -u root -p Enter