[ mysql for red hat 7.2 ]

2003-04-01 Thread Elby Vaz
hello, i installed MySQL (server, max and client) for linux but i`m needing of `mysql.sock` file. some body has? obs.: what path stays the `my.cnf` file? how do i do to configure it? thanks, Elby. _ MSN Hotmail, o maior webmail

[ sub select in 4.0.9-gamma? ]

2003-02-13 Thread Elby Vaz
Hello friends! The MySQL-4.0.9-gamma to windows supports sub select? Ex.: select ... from ... where ... in (select.) If not, has some version that supports it? Thanks, e. _ MSN Hotmail, o maior webmail do Brasil. http

[ Creating a new user ]

2003-02-12 Thread Elby Vaz
Hello friends! How do I create a new user on MySQL? I want to create the respective password too. Thanks, e. _ MSN Hotmail, o maior webmail do Brasil. http://www.hotmail.com --

[ mysqlimport ]

2003-01-30 Thread Elby Vaz
I created a "file.sql" with mysqldump. mysqldump my_db my_table > file.sql What I do to get this file with the mysqlimport? mysqlimport ?? Thanks, e. _ MSN Messenger: converse com os seu

[ current date ]

2003-01-23 Thread Elby Vaz
hello people, I want to construct a table, and in this table I have a column (date type) that if I insert blank date, the MySQL automaticly insert the current date of system. How do I do it? Thanks, Elby. _ MSN Messenger: conv

[ gamma file ]

2003-01-16 Thread Elby Vaz
--I´m brazilian. Sorry by my english hello! I installed mysql-4.0.9-gamma-win on my machine. What means "gamma" ? Thanks, Elby. _ MSN Hotmail, o maior webmail do Brasil. http://www.hotmail.com -

[ date format ]

2002-07-16 Thread Elby Vaz
Hi, the date format of MySql is /mm/dd (2002/07/16) right? How I do to insert the date typing in my form dd/mm/ (16/07/2002)? It is possible? Thanks, Elby _ MSN Photos é a maneira mais fácil e prática de editar e

[ error on start mysql ]

2002-07-15 Thread Elby Vaz
Hi, i installed MySql -Max 3.23.51 on Winodows 2000, but when I try initiate it appears the following error: MySql service can´t be initialized System error 1067 The process finished suddenly Some help please? Elby. Brazil. --