I work on the big web site of the gouvernative statistical agency of
Italy (www.istat.it).
Recently, I have built a db to collect data from the web (it's like a
census simulation...) with mySQL.
Making my querys,I had a little difficult, not so big for me, but that
can interest you.

On a developpement machine (winNT, apache, mysql 3.23.33) I wrote this
"SELECT (fra_g+fra_p+sor_g+sor_p), count(*) FROM alunniE GROUP BY
where fra_g, fra_p, sor_p, sor_g are, obviously, columns. That works

When I tried to run the same query on the site machine (Unix Aix,
apache, mysql 3.22.32, see
http://www.istat.it:8080/index.php) i discovered that the use of the
formula in the GROUP BY clause cannot work (any formula).
The situation on the unix machine seems to be in contrast with the

where it talks about the possibility to write a formula.

Did you know it?

Sergio Vaccaro

Genial Brain Machine
Via A. Camerini 50
00139 - Roma
tel +39 6 87148219
    +39 347 5056045
fax +39 6 87148219 (on demand)
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