Re: Milliseconds to date string

2004-11-15 Thread Johan Hook
Hi Rafal, binary is a reserved word, you need to quote it with back-ticks ` if you want to use it: SELECT s2u.valus as `binary` FROM ... /Johan Rafal Kedziorski wrote: Hi, I get this: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the

Re: Maximum row size for MyISAM table type

2004-11-12 Thread Johan Hook
Hi Joshua, the BLOB or TEXT is stored separately from the row. What is stored is a pointer to where the BLOB/TEXT is located. /Johan Joshua Beall wrote: Hi All, I am a bit confused by the MySQL documentation on this subject. From The

Re: PRODUCT() function - calculating the product of grouped numeric values

2004-08-31 Thread Johan Hook
Hi, you might take a look at this thread: /Johan Hi, I'm searching for a function that enables me to calculate the product of a group of values, like SUM() does. MySQL server version is at least 4.0.14. For example, a query like SELECT id, PRODUCT(value) AS

Re: Select non-matching rows

2004-08-20 Thread Johan Hook
Hi, you could try: SELECT FROM tbl1 LEFT JOIN tbl2 ON tbl2.another_id = WHERE IS NULL /Johan Manish wrote: This should be simple but I am stuck here. I need to select rows from table 1, which do not have matching ID in table 2. Say each table has 100 rows each, and 90 rows

Re: Group Query

2004-06-22 Thread Johan Hook
Shaun, when you add WHERE B.Project_ID = '10' you, in a way, change your LEFT JOIN to an INNER JOIN. You need to do it like: LEFT OUTER JOIN Bookings B ON U.User_ID = B.Rep_ID AND B.Project_ID = '8' /Johan shaun thornburgh wrote: Thanks for your reply, This works great, but when I add a

Re: Group Query

2004-06-18 Thread Johan Hook
Hi, you can use: SELECT COUNT(B.Booking_ID), User_Location FROM Users U LEFT JOIN Bookings B ON U.User_ID = B.User_ID GROUP BY(U.User_Location); /Johan shaun thornburgh wrote: Hi, The following table produces a query that shows all bookings that user has made and groups the number of bookings by

Re: Using IF

2004-06-11 Thread Johan Hook
Hi Keith, I think your problem comes down to the fact that IF() is a function that must return one value, when you put in your '*' you might be specifying more then one value to return. /Johan Keith wrote: g'day, Am having a bit of a problem with using IF. This is the error message I get: -

Re: (might be off list) MySQL AB

2004-06-10 Thread Johan Hook
stand for? Is it something like limited or incorporated? If yes, is this something related to the origin of MySQL? I am a subscriber from Hong Kong. Thanks. mc. -- Johan Hook, Pythagoras Engineering Group - MailTo:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http

Re: ORDER BY Question

2004-05-13 Thread Johan Hook
Hi Dirk, from the excellent on-line manual: Columns selected for output can be referred to in ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses using column names, column aliases, or column positions. Column positions are integers and begin with 1: mysql SELECT

Re: ORDER BY Question

2004-05-12 Thread Johan Hook
Hi Dirk, you should be able to just add on ORDER BY Count after your groub clause. /Johan Dirk Bremer (NISC) wrote: The following query produces the following results: select job_coop as 'Job/Coop', count(*) as Count from queue group by job_coop; -- snip Is there a way to use the ORDER BY

Re: first LIMIT then ORDER

2004-04-22 Thread Johan Hook
Assuming you want to order your arbitrary selection you could do something like: (SELECT t.Id FROM tab t LIMIT 10) UNION ALL (SELECT t.Id FROM tab t WHERE 1 0) ORDER BY t.Id /Johan Harald Fuchs wrote: In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Paul DuBois [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: At 18:51 +0200 4/21/04,

Re: What Is LIMIT? and How to Use LIMIT?

2004-04-01 Thread Johan Hook
Hi, I guess this is for a java.sql.PreparedStatement as the '?' seem to indicate that. LIMIT limits ;-) the number of rows retrieved, i.e. LIMIT 10, 20 gives you 20 rows starting at row 20 in the resultset and LIMIT 10 gives you the first 10 rows. See:

Re: select from two tables

2004-03-31 Thread Johan Hook
Hi, if you are using 4.x or later you can use: (select * from helpdesk where month(helpdesk.hdcreatedate) = 3) UNION ALL (select * from archived where month(archived.hdcreatedate) = 3) LIMIT 0, 30; /Johan rmck wrote: Hi I have two tables in the same Db : table 1: helpdesk | CREATE TABLE

Re: insert field from another table

2004-03-24 Thread Johan Hook
Hi, you could try something like: INSERT INTO articles_multi(article,author,text_ru,text_en ) SELECT e.article,e.authoer,r.text,e.text FROM articles_en e, articles_ru r WHERE e.article = r.article AND = r.article /Johan nullevent wrote: Hello mysql, I have two tables -

Re: Using OR

2004-03-12 Thread Johan Hook
Hi Keith, you can use: pla.type IN ('1','2','3','4'); /Johan Keith wrote: is there any alternative to using OR for selecting between values? ie: pla.type='1' OR pla.type='2' OR pla.type='3' OR pla.type='4' Cheers, Keith -- Johan Höök, Pythagoras Engineering Group -

Re: Newbie: Rewriting A Query- How?

2004-03-09 Thread Johan Hook

Re: Newbie query question...

2004-02-04 Thread Johan Hook
Hi John, I think you missed on the precedence of AND/OR if you change to AND (cat_id='2' OR cat_id='5' ) it should work as you want it to /Johan John Croson wrote: I have a simple query: SELECT id,year,month,day,cat_id FROM events LEFT JOIN calendar_cat ON WHERE

Re: inser woes

2004-01-12 Thread Johan Hook
Hi Doug, I think you need to quote imgsml=C2BUWS1028.jpg, like imgsml='C2BUWS1028.jpg', take care, /Johan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This has to be something silly, but I can not see it. Any help greatly appreciated: use newshop; insert into products set storeid=2, deptid=5, groupid=66,