A late followup on this, so I top post to keep the history intact.

 The composite primary key was the problem. Or rather, the missing
 individual indexes for tag_id and ad_id.

 We also changed to INNER JOINs instead, but that didn't affect the performance.

 Thanks for all suggestions!

 On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Rob Wultsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Also you have a composite key on for the prymary key in tag_keys .
 >  ad_id should probably be a seperate index for
 >  "LEFT JOIN tag_ad_map tm2 ON tm1.ad_id = tm2.ad_id " to join well. The
 >  Index should be ignored because the left most portion of the the index
 >  is not used...
 >  On 3/5/08, Rob Wultsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >  > From a brief glance:
 >  > 1 *  seems odd to me. Is this an attempt at some sort of cast?
 >  > "ORDER BY viktatantal DESC, RAND()
 >  > LIMIT 80"
 >  > How many results would this return without the limit. The ORDER BY RAND()
 >  > will never help a query. All the possible results have to be computed...
 >  >
 >  > Do you mean LEFT JOIN, or do you really mean INNER JOIN? If any of
 >  > those LEFT joins fail then the result is not excluded by the join.
 >  > until the where conditions come into play.
 >  >
 >  > I would rebuild the query with inner joins and the first table being t2, I
 >  > would then rerun the explain and consider composite indexes.
 >  >
 >  > Mysql is not know for self join tables well.
 >  > --
 >  > Rob Wultsch

> > > I need help to optimize this following query. It runs very slow and I cant
 > > > find any direct errors in it.
 > > > SELECT
 > > > 1 * t1.termfreq as viktatantal,
 > > > t1.tag, t1.url FROM tag_keys t1
 > > > LEFT JOIN tag_ad_map tm1 ON t1.id = tm1.tag_id

> > > LEFT JOIN tag_ad_map tm2 ON tm1.ad_id = tm2.ad_id

> > > LEFT JOIN tag_keys t2 ON t2.id = tm2.tag_id
 > > >  WHERE
 > > >  t2.url = 'motor' AND t1.url != 'motor'
 > > > GROUP BY t1.id

> > > ORDER BY viktatantal DESC, RAND()
 > > > LIMIT 80
 > > >

> > > Any help would be very appriciated!
 > > >

> > > CREATE TABLE structure looks like this:
 > > >
 > > > CREATE TABLE `tag_ad_map` (
 > > >  `ad_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 > > >  `tag_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 > > >  `termfreq` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 > > >  PRIMARY KEY  (`tag_id`,`ad_id`)
 > > >
 > > > CREATE TABLE `tag_keys` (
 > > >  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 > > >  `tag` varchar(32) collate utf8_swedish_ci NOT NULL default '',
 > > >  `idf` double NOT NULL default '0',
 > > >  `url` varchar(64) collate utf8_swedish_ci NOT NULL default '',
 > > >  `termfreq` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
 > > >  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 > > >  KEY `url` (`url`)
 > > > COLLATE=utf8_swedish_ci

Johan Sölve
Montania System AB
Halmstad Stockholm Malmö

Johan Sölve
Mobil +46 709-51 55 70

Kristinebergsvägen 17, S-302 41 Halmstad, Sweden
Telefon +46 35-136800 | Fax +46 35-136801

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