Hello All,

               I am very new to the MySQL environment.

I have built latest stable MySQL 4.1.12 in Hp-Unix
11.23 IPF platform with OpenSSL support. 
Following are my configuration options I have used to

./configure --prefix=/opt/iexpress/mysql
--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local --with-vio

   Compiler used is gcc version 3.4.3 and OpenSSL
version is 09.07e.

  When I tried to run the tests inside mysql-test
directory after the gmake as,


"openssl_1" and "rpl_openssl" are skipped eventhough i
have compiled with OpenSSL.

 So I have rerun these tests alone as,

./mysql-test-run --with-openssl openssl_1 rpl_openssl

Now openssl_1 test passed but rpl_openssl get hanged.

I have checked the slave.err file, it seems that
access denied for slave and it
is looks for "sync_with_master", as it was not able to
connect, it get hanged.

The slave.err log details is given below,

CURRENT_TEST: rpl_openssl
ready for
Version: '4.1.12-log'  socket:

 port: 9308  Source distribution
050525 19:11:41 [Note] Slave SQL thread initialized,
starting replication in log
'FIRST' at position 0, relay lo
-bin.000001' position: 4
050525 19:11:41 [Note] Slave I/O thread: connected to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9306',  replication started in log
'FIRST' at position 4
050525 19:11:41 [ERROR] Slave I/O thread killed while
reading event
050525 19:11:41 [ERROR] Slave I/O thread exiting, read
up to log
'master-bin.000001', position 229
050525 19:11:41 [ERROR] Error reading relay log event:
slave SQL thread was
050525 19:11:41 [Note] Slave SQL thread initialized,
starting replication in log
'master-bin.000001' at position
 229, relay log
-bin.000001' pos
ition: 4
050525 19:11:41 [Note] Slave I/O thread: connected to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9306',  replication started in l
og 'master-bin.000001' at position 229
050525 19:11:41 [ERROR] Error on COM_REGISTER_SLAVE:
1045 'Access denied for
user ''@'localhost' (using password
: NO)'
050525 19:11:41 [ERROR] Slave I/O thread exiting, read
up to log
'master-bin.000001', position 229
050525 19:11:44 [ERROR] Error reading relay log event:
slave SQL thread was
050525 19:11:44 [Note] Slave SQL thread initialized,
starting replication in log
'master-bin.000001' at position
 229, relay log
-bin.000001' pos
ition: 4
050525 19:11:44 [Note] Slave I/O thread: connected to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:9306',  replication started in l
og 'master-bin.000001' at position 229
050525 19:11:44 [ERROR] Error on COM_REGISTER_SLAVE:
1045 'Access denied for
user ''@'localhost' (using password
: NO)'
050525 19:11:44 [ERROR] Slave I/O thread exiting, read
up to log
'master-bin.000001', position 229

I have faced the same issue when i used MySQL 4.1.10a.
Please suggest a fix or workaround for this problem...
Or am i do anything wrong to this tests ?

  Could anyone suggent me steps to setup same
replication test manually?

You can repeat this scenario as,

Run the MySQL OpenSSL tests in MySQL 4.1.12 source as,

./mysql-test-run --with-openssl rpl_openssl

  You will see it get hanged

Thanks and Regards,

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