Hi everyone,
I've got a problem with my MySQL-Database that I've been dealing with
for nearly two weeks now and I don't seem to get a clue of what it's
about. My webspace-provider (Schlund & Partner in Germany:
http://www.schlund.de) doesn't have a solution either, nor have some of
my expert-friends I asked - that's why I hope you might be able to help
me. Maybe this is a known problem...
We've got a database with 46 tables running on the server of Schlund for
four months now. During these four months we've been inserting data into
the database by PHP-scripts without any problem whatsoever - until two
weeks ago. Then we suddenly noticed that some of the data had
disappeared: it had been deleted from the database. These deletions
mostly followed the same structure:
1.) they happened only after (or maybe during, I don't know) inserting
data into the database
2.) they deleted a series of rows from a single table
3.) the number of rows and the "starting point" from which on the data
was deleted was always different: sometimes the data between ID 120 and
ID 248 was deleted, sometimes the rows between 96 and 168... and so
4.) the row before the deleted rows (e.i: in the examples noted above
row 119 or row 95) was always changed: one of the values was set to "0"
(only exception: the last deletion that happened today where the last
row wasn't changed- strangely enough, this one was different for several
5.) the row inserted directly before (or during) the deletion stayed
completely "untouched": every data was inserted correctly (only
exception again: the last deletion).
6.) after the rows were deleted, the information given in the
phpMyAdmin-interface (Version 2.1.0) I'm using for administration of the
database (only for special cases, normally every data is inserted and
changed by the php-scripts) seems to indicate that the data still is
"hidden" somewhere: in the table affected today for example there were
22 rows and after inserting the 23rd row the rows from 7 up to 23 where
deleted, and the "Browse"-Option of the phpMyAdmin-interface (which
interprets the query:

"SELECT * FROM D_Newsletter LIMIT 0, 30")


"Showing records 0 - 29 (23 total, 6 in query)"

and then lists the 6 rows left after deletion.

The strange thing is that today there seems to have been a "change of
plans": it was the first time that a different kind of table was
affected, that no row has been set to "0" and that the latest entry
wasn't kept untouched but wasn't inserted at all.

Well, so much for the problem, this is the most detailed description I
can give you, I hope I didn't forget anything.
I'm pretty sure the problem can't be in the PHP-scripts we're inserting
the data with, because
1.) we've been inserting data with these scripts for four months now
without any problem, and most of the scripts have been unchanged since
2.) it's always a different table that's affected and always a different
number of rows
3.) the deletions don't happen after every insertion.
Of course, I've checked all the scripts, but I couldn't find any errors
that could have caused something like that.

I know all this sounds pretty strange, but my last hope is that you
might have heard of some problem like this before, and maybe you can
even think of a solution, that would be really great - or at least some
information I can give to my provider; until today they are sure it must
be a problem in my scripts.

Thanks a lot for your help,


Katja Ide
Webmaster of dvd-headquarters.de


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