I am encountering a problem I just can't seem to figure out and I am out of 
ideas. I can compile and run fine on one linux box running Mysql 5.1.23-rc, but 
as soon as I scp the binary and its required libs to another machine which has 
identical hardware and only a slightly upgraded distro (but also running 
5.1.23-rc), I get a glibc malloc(): memory corruption: *** error, which traces 
back to the mysql_real_connect() call. I ran ldd -v on the binary on both 
machines and there are some differences, but they don't look important. I have 
run this binary on other machines before with no issues.

I can connect to the database on the troubled machine both locally from the 
client and through my program from a different machine, but my program craps 
out when I run it locally on this new box. What could be going wrong? The 
database connection is one of the first things the program does- before we do 
any significant allocation of memory, so I really do not believe that this is a 
problem with my program (it has also been continually tested with many 
different data sets).

I checked the bug database and this forum and could not find any relevant 
information, if you have any ideas, please let me know! Below is the output 
from my program, and the code I am using to connect- am I doing something wrong 
there? If there is any more information I can provide, please let me know.

Thank you,

Program output

Starting Engine...
Reading Control Data
Using configfile: /some.ini
Populating Data from Database...
DB Connection Handle is null, going to create a new connection!
We have created the handle... initializing.
We have initialized the handle, connecting...
Connecting with parameters: Server: localhost Login: root Pass: XXXXX 
DBDatabase: mismiats
*** glibc detected *** ./ksMismi2.out: malloc(): memory corruption: 
0x00000000011d4b40 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
00400000-01012000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 2048027 /usr/local/engine/bin/ksMismi2.out
01112000-011a9000 rwxp 00c12000 fe:00 2048027 /usr/local/engine/bin/ksMismi2.out
011a9000-011f3000 rwxp 011a9000 00:00 0 [heap]
7f8f60000000-7f8f60021000 rwxp 7f8f60000000 00:00 0
7f8f60021000-7f8f64000000 ---p 7f8f60021000 00:00 0
7f8f64c30000-7f8f64c3a000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 1171488 /lib/libnss_files-2.7.so

[.... snipped... ]

7fff72b7d000-7fff72b92000 rwxp 7ffffffea000 00:00 0 [stack]
7fff72bfe000-7fff72c00000 r-xp 7fff72bfe000 00:00 0 [vdso]
ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0 [vsyscall]


MYSQL* dbConn::getDBConnectionHandle ()
my_bool reconn = 1;

if (DBconnectionHandle != NULL)
while ( !mysql_real_connect( DBconnectionHandle, DBServer.c_str(), 
DBLogin.c_str(), DBPassword.c_str(), DBDatabase.c_str(), DBPort, NULL, 
CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS) ) //Client multi statements used for batched inserts 
of trades.
cout << "ERROR: Connecting to MYSQL. ERROR Reported from Server is: " << 
mysql_error(DBconnectionHandle) << endl;

mysql_options( DBconnectionHandle, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, (const char*)&reconn ); 
// must do twice, bug in mysql lib

return DBconnectionHandle;
cout << "DB Connection Handle is null, going to create a new connection!" << 

DBconnectionHandle = new MYSQL();
cout << "We have created the handle... initializing. " << endl;

if ( mysql_init(DBconnectionHandle) == NULL )
cout << "ERROR: initializing connection handle: Error from Mysql: " << 
mysql_error(DBconnectionHandle) << endl;
return NULL;

cout << "We have initialized the handle, connecting..." << endl;
cout << "Connecting with parameters: Server: " << DBServer << " Login: " << 
DBLogin << " Pass: " << DBPassword << " DBDatabase: " << DBDatabase << endl;

mysql_options( DBconnectionHandle, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, (const char*)&reconn );

while ( !mysql_real_connect( DBconnectionHandle, DBServer.c_str(), 
DBLogin.c_str(), DBPassword.c_str(), DBDatabase.c_str(), DBPort, NULL, 
CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS) ) //Client multi statements used for batched inserts 
of trades.
cout << "ERROR: Connecting to MYSQL. ERROR Reported from Server is: " << 
mysql_error(DBconnectionHandle) << endl;

mysql_options( DBconnectionHandle, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, (const char*)&reconn ); 
// must do twice, bug in mysql lib
cout << "We have connected.... " << endl;
return DBconnectionHandle;

Version Info for mysql: Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.23-rc, for redhat-linux-gnu 
(x86_64) using readline 5.1

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