Hi, i built an application which uses MySQL 4.0.17
using Windows XP Professional.
Tomorrow, i need to present the application to my
client, so i preparing my enviroment in a laptop,
which runs Windows 2000.
When i installed MySQL 4.0.17 and tried to run the
client from command line, i got the follo
how can i make a back of the data in my database?
I don't want the backup of the database itself, i only
want a backup that will give a script to insert all
the data i currenlty have (only the inserts).
I'm also using mysqlcc, if there's any facility.
i created a database with around 20 tables. However i
created the tables by script writting all create table
statements, create constraints, etc...
I need now a Entity Relationship diagram so i have a
visual information about my database.
I tried MySQL Comand Center but i doens't have such
i`m using mysql in a j2ee application with JBoss.
For best design practices i cannot add the
foreign-keys to the tables in the same "insert" as i
add the table data. Basically, i`ll add it a few
milliseconds latter (in the same transaction), but
anyway it`s not in the same "insert".
Then, i ha
If it`s a InnoDB table :-? my case
--- Paul DuBois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: > At 12:27
-0300 4/29/04, Leandro Melo wrote:
> >Hi,
> >i got a table wich its pk is an auto_increment
> field.
> >I have 10 elements in this table, wich makes the
> pk_id
> &g
i got a table wich its pk is an auto_increment field.
I have 10 elements in this table, wich makes the pk_id
field = 10.
I inserted incorrectly anoter row in this table (the
11th) and imediately deleted it. Although, i'd like
that the next time i insert a row in this table, it's
index be stil
is there a way i can make a restriction for inserting
data on a table?
I'll expose this idea with a simple (not real)
Suppose i got table EMPLOYEE, wich has an attribute
called FLG_HAS_DEPENDENTS. I also have a table called
DEPENDENTS, wich has data for the dependents of some
Well, that's it ...
If u could give an advise...
Thanks in advance,
--- Robert J Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
escreveu: > Leandro Melo wrote:
> >Hi,
> >i have a M:N relationship between PRODUCT and
i have a M:N relationship between PRODUCT and PRICE.
1 product may be associated to N prices and 1 prices
may belong to N products.
I got special cases the some kinda product MUST have
only 1 price associated with it.
I don't what would be the best way to model this
"flag" for the special case.