MySQL Cluster - queries execute with 6.60sec delay when one DB node is dead

2004-05-19 Thread Maciek Dobrzanski
Hi, I have configured MySQL Cluster on two machines with 2 DB nodes (NoOfReplicas = 2) and 2 MySQL API nodes, one of each node type on both systems. The config is almost the same as the one of 2-node demo. The cluster is working fine as long as all DB nodes are operational, but if one of them is

Warning: thr_alarm queue is full

2002-12-05 Thread Maciek Dobrzanski
Hi, I get this error/warning each time server reaches 623 connections and thus no new clients can connect. What may I do to allow more clients? I know that the limit on the size of `alarm_queue' is set in mysys/thr_alarm.c, but is increasing the value in call of init_thr_alarm() safe? Regards,

Query seem to be using the wrong index / InnoDB

2001-12-05 Thread Maciek Dobrzanski
Hi, This happens on MySQL 3.23.44 CREATE TABLE ttble ( `k1` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', ... `k2` varchar(65) NOT NULL default '', ... PRIMARY KEY (`k1`, `k2`) ... ) TYPE=InnoDB When k1 is compared to a string with only one known letter... EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM

Idle sessions

2001-11-20 Thread Maciek Dobrzanski
Hi, How to tell mysql server to kill sleeping sessions after certain time while using LinuxThreads on FreeBSD 4.4 ? None of wait_timeout and interactive_timeout values seem to work. - Before posting, please check:

auto_increment counter changes even if query fails

2001-11-12 Thread Maciek Dobrzanski
Hi, Is this correct for MySQL to increment the auto_increment counter if the INSERT query fails? For example: mysql CREATE TABLE test ( i INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, c CHAR(16) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(i), UNIQUE(c)) type=InnoDB; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.25 sec) mysql INSERT INTO test

InnoDB datafile usage!

2001-09-27 Thread Maciek Dobrzanski
Hi, Is there any way to check whether I should add new datafile before my database runs out of free space in the existing ones? - Before posting, please check: (the manual)

Problem with InnoDB

2001-04-25 Thread Maciek Dobrzanski
Hey, I dunno whether it's a bug or just I don't know how to use transactions properly. I've got 3.23.36 on FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE, and when I do this: CREATE TABLE test TYPE=Innobase SELECT * otherdb.sometable; MySQL hangs. If I limit the SELECT query to 10-100 rows, it executes quite fast (same

Update bug?

2001-04-13 Thread Maciek Dobrzanski
Hi, There might be some kind of bug in UPDATE. Let's say there is a 4 row table, which looks like this: | fd_01 | int(11) unsigned | | PRI | 0 | | | fd_02 | text | | | | | | fd_03 | varchar(4) | | |

Re: Update bug?

2001-04-13 Thread Maciek Dobrzanski
This is because with the first query it can use the index. With the second query, it has to check the whole table. Why? Because obviously you're using numbers. And let's make some_value == 10. I thought that maybe MySQL should check the field type and do the conversion to string.