Tricky Join with Animal-DB

2005-02-16 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi SQL-Community I need once more your help, I have a tricky problem with my animal-db. I have a table with animals and a table with animal-pics. I have a third table. In this table you can see, which pic belongs to which animal: CREATE TABLE animal ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,

How to select every second record

2005-01-27 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi SQL-Users Is it possible to select only every second record from a record set? I should select the record-number 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ... or record-number 2, 4, 6, 8, ... Can this be done with LIMIT? Thank you! Greetings, Martin

Multiple table count in one sql-query

2004-11-24 Thread Martin Rytz
should have only one result, the added value from all 3 tables... How can I do this within MySQL? Are there variables I could use within the query? Other possibilities? Thank you for your help! Kind Regards, Martin Rytz

Suppress the 0 value

2004-11-10 Thread Martin Rytz
this be done within the select-statement? Thank you in advance, Martin Rytz

LOAD DATA LOCAL: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

2004-10-27 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi mysql-community! I have a problem with mysql 3.23.49a: If I try to use the statement 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/storage/hosting/uxclients/' INTO TABLE test' mysql replys: 'The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version'. Why this error-message?

Count Rows within unions

2004-10-15 Thread Martin Rytz
How can I count the rows over this 3 tables? Thank you in advance! Martin Rytz

Problem with 4.1.3 that I not had with 4.0.20

2004-08-24 Thread Martin Rytz
you in advance! Martin Rytz

Problem with Mysql 4.1.3: Error #1267 - Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,COERCIBLE)

2004-08-18 Thread Martin Rytz
in advance for your help. Yours Martin Rytz DBA from Switzerland

Problem with Slow Update Query

2004-08-10 Thread Martin Rytz
Hi all I have a problem with slow update queries like these (5 examples): update url_cat set domain = '01net' where left( domain, instr( domain, '.' ) -1 ) = '01net'; update url_cat set domain = '1-meta' where left( domain, instr( domain, '.' ) -1 ) = '1-meta'; update url_cat set domain =