I've noticed a weird issue in our chained replication environment where when 
setting user-defined variables, the first time the variable is used in a 
session the value is NULL, but all uses thereafter work correctly.

The environment is such: we have a master (master1), which has a slave which is 
also a master (master3), which itself has slaves (master3-slave1), i.e.:

master1 -> master3 -> master3-slave1

I can replicate my issue with a very simple setup. I simply create a test table 
with one TEXT column, and I set a user-defined variable:

SET @mynewvariable = "testvalue"
And then insert the variable into the test table:

INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (NULL, @mynewvariable);
The first time I run this insert, the value is correctly inserted in to master1 
and its slave, master3 (as you'd expect). However, a NULL value is inserted 
into master3-slave1. However, if I run the INSERT a second time (just the 
insert, no re-declaration of the user-defined variable), the value is correctly 
inserted in to all three servers, so that the contents of test_table on the 
three servers looks as follows:

master1   master3   master3-slave1
--------- --------- --------------
testvalue testvalue NULL
testvalue testvalue testvalue
I don't believe this is related to replication delay, because even if I leave a 
while between setting the variable and running the first INSERT, the result is 
always the same. The problem is agnostic of table format or how complex the 
table is, we can reproduce it exactly like this all of the time.

Is this a known issue in MySQL with chained replication like this, or have I 
discovered a bug?

Server version information:

master1: Percona Server 5.5.28-29.1
master3: Percona Server 5.5.28-29.3
master3-slave1: Percona Server 5.5.20-55


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