much. Maurizio
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From: maurizio
Subject: [Cannot start mysql]
<1. I have
y for us, use "unique identifier"
data type because
the datas must be exchanged with others companies and we need
unique identification of all the informations.
Maurizio, Sponda
hi everybody,
i'm trying to add a udf to mysql that itself accesses the database.
anybody ever tried that?
i want a function to dynamically create a database, symbolic links and tables.
i thought it could be as easy as just mix up a "normal udf" with my
table-creating thing.
but when i try to cre
Try with a self-inflicted left join on the field price.
select a.item,b.item,price
from table a
left join table b on a.price=b.price
and a.item!=b.item
You should have:
a.Item b.Item Price
Item 125
Item 2 Item 6 33
Item 3
You can try this:
set @index = 0;
select @index:=@index+1 'index', myfield from mytable limit 100
Happy MySQL user
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Fam. Tarniceru [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: giovedì 12 settembre 2002 11.59
A: MySQL Mailing List
Oggetto: Indexing Column for a
You have downoladed the source zip file, and so you have to compile it
download the binary version.
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Robert Barbaro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: venerdì 12 luglio 2002 11.52
Oggetto: installing
I have unzipped mysql-3.23.5
"select * from ciccio"
The query returns always 0 values for that making-me-mad field.
I think that now I have to wait for 4.0.4 version to see this bug fixed,
am I wrong?
Danilo Maurizio
try this:
"create table mytable select max(id),space(1) name from mytable2"
and then this:
"alter table mytable modify name varchar(255)"
Danilo Maurizio
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Ilyas Keser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: martedì 27 agosto 2002 15.56
I have to import some data in Mysql from a Sybase bulk
copy (bcp) text files, and I have some problems with
"date" type format fields.
The sybase db has datetime fields and in the
dump file the date format is like this:
"Mar 3 1999 12:00:00:000AM"
I have created a table with the same st
I'm a MySQL newbye...
my question is: is it possible to load in a Longtext column
a .txt file? furthermore, is it possible to do that with a .xml file?
Thanks in advance,
Maurizio Megliola
TXT e-solutions S.p.a
upgrading my old MySql version to the new one, all my C code doesn't compile
returning an ld error in resolving my_compress() and my_uncompress()
I forced compilation coping the old libraries and include files from previus
version of MySql.
Server version 3.23.
12 matches
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