2001-03-07 Thread Meyer, Patrick
Running 3.23.33 on Windows 2000 Server. I have noticed that executing an ALTER TABLE works... but the next query on the alter table crashes MySQL and corrupts the table. If I FLUSH TABLES after an ALTER TABLE, it seems to reduce the occurance, but should this be required? [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Mysql in Win2K

2001-02-07 Thread Meyer, Patrick
Run the winmysqladmin.exe in the bin directory. Then do the right click "install service", right click "start service". I had to do this the first time. Thereafter it does it on install. [EMAIL PROTECTED] National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- S c i e n c e @ N A S A


2001-01-30 Thread Meyer, Patrick
I am slowly gaining connections to the database that just sleep. I know these can arise from not closing the database. I am accessing it via MyODBC from Active Server Pages. However, I set wait_timeout to 3600... I have some that have been there for days... just sleeping. Why doesn't MySQL