
I'm trying to migrate an old system to a newer - while doing that I 
have to move the database. The old database i UTF-8 
encoded, and the new one is Latin-1.

To move the data I'm doing something similar to:
INSERT INTO new_db.table (new_db.field) SELECT 
CONVERT(old_db.field USING latin1) FROM old_db.table;

When doing a
SELECT CHARSET(field) FROM new_db.table;
It returns "latin1", so everthings seems to be A-Okay - but since
 I'm posting this message you could prolly guess that it didn't - 
and right, it failed...

Using SSH to the mysql-server, and using `mysql` it always 
returns the data as UTF-8 (when setting the encoding to 
anything else it trashes the special-chars). I don't know if this is
 normal - I might be, so I continued my work on the migration.

I then reloaded the webpage (yes, it's for a PHP driven CMS), 
and no - the problem still existed. All data was returned as 
UTF-8 (when running a utf8_decode() in PHP on the db-output
the output was corrected and the speciel-chars showed up.

But - this isn't normal. Normally you can just enter the data as
 latin1, and display the output on the webpage (assuming that 
content-type has a charset og iso-8859-1). And this works 
everywhere else on the website.

SO, my question is: How the heck do you actually transfer 
data from the utf8-table to a latin1-table and properly
 re-encoding the text so that the latin1-table wouldn't contain
raw utf8-data (because that my friends - sucks)

Below are som excerps from SHOW VARIABLES - tell if 
your wan't more info... just included a few of the lines:
| Variable_name                   | Value            |
| back_log                        | 50            |
| basedir                         | /pack/mysql-4.1.13/            |
| binlog_cache_size               | 32768            |
| bulk_insert_buffer_size         | 8388608            |
| character_set_client            | latin1            |
| character_set_connection        | latin1            |
| character_set_database          | latin1            |
| character_set_results           | latin1            |
| character_set_server            | latin1            |
| character_set_system            | utf8            |
| version                         | 4.1.13-log            |

  Morten Fangel // fangel

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