sorry for spamming the list with this, i tried asking on the forums, but didn't 
receive a reply. i'm a complete newbie to mysql/php, but have programmed 
professionally (in C/C++/ASM) for about 9 years now.

i originally installed mysql into C:/Program Files/mysql, before deleting and 
reinstalling in the default subdirectory, which meant some paths in the registry had 
been setup incorrectly. i changed these manually (2 of them located), and this fixed a 
few issues.

however after reinstalling, when i do a mysqlshow, it shows only "test" in the list of 
available databases, and nothing i seem to change makes a difference. i edited the 
my.ini to the base+base/data directories, but that didn't change anything. i even 
tried changing the paths in my.ini to invalid paths, and that didn't change anything 
either (it still located test, and test only).

i searched for a test subdirectory elsewhere on my hard drive, but failed to locate 
one. i then created a new database, which it did in the correct subdirectory, so since 
it seems to be writing to the correct subdirectory, why on earth doesn't it read from 
the directory as well?

i have administrator access to the machine.

any help is much appreciated, cheers.

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