Just finish compiled the mysql 4.0.20-0 windows source 4.0.20-0 with
the openssl options, generate certificates and edited the my.cnf file
with this values:
Hi guys, I need your help with this:
I have two big databases in two different servers, each database
it's different too and I need to replicate each one to a single
mysql slave server.
I need this:
MasterA ---> SlaveC <-- MasterB
So, I need dbA and dbB replicated on the slave server C
Hello guys, I have this question:
I need to replicate 2 databases (each one resides in a different
server) to a single slave server. Reading the documentation I have
running the master/slave replication, but i need to replicate the
other database too, the problem is: I need replicate the other