On Tuesday 19 April 2005 13:17, Anna Henricson wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with mysqldump when I want to copy a table from a
> database. I have mysql Ver 14.7, Distrib 4.1.9, for pc-linux-gnu.
> I use the following command:
> mysqldump -h host -u user -ppassword database_name table_name >
> table_name.sql
> And get the following error message:
> mysqldump: mysqldump: Couldn't execute '/*!40100 SET @@SQL_MODE="" */':
> Query was empty (1065)
> I've gotten some reponse that this may be due to a version mismatch between
> the client part and the database.
> The following output is given from the statement below:

Maybe you're using newer mysql client libraries and that's why your MySQL 3.23 
doesn't understand the command.

> mysql> SELECT VERSION();
> +-----------+
> | VERSION() |
> +-----------+
> | 3.23.45   |
> +-----------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> Can anyone help me with this problem?
> Thanks!
> Regards Anna Henricson
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Anna Henricson, MSc, PhD student
> Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics (CGB)
> Karolinska Institutet
> S-171 77 Stockholm
> Sweden
> Phone: +46 (0)8 524 86030
> Fax: +46 (0)8 323950


Cyberly yours,
Petar Nedyalkov
Devoted Orbitel Fan :-)

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