

Am a newbie to mysql.

I am trying to deploy mysql database server on a windows machine and
update this

database from a remote linux machine(client) periodically.


The connection to mysql server in windows is failing when i run the

client program at mysql_real_connect (). Am using

mysql-5.0.7-beta-win32 in windows XP.


However the same client(hostname alone changed) is able to communicate

and create database when i run the mysql server on linux machine. Am

using MySQL-devel-5.0.7-0.i386.rpm in linux.


Another question:

I use the following command to compile the client application.


"gcc connect1.c -o mycli -I /usr/include/mysql/ -L/usr/lib/mysql

-lmysqlclient -lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm"


Is it possible to port these libraries to ECOS RTOS so that the above

client app(mycli) can run on a embedded device(IXP425 board) ?



Any comments are highly appreciable.



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