Does it work if you use a standard command type, and use "call
sp_InserNewCamper();" as the command string ?

 On 11/18/05, Jesse Castleberry -
[EMAIL PROTECTED]< <>> wrote:
> I'm using the following code in my ASP.NET <http://ASP.NET> application to
> add a new record
> to the database, and return the added ID:
> Cmd=New MySqlCommand("sp_InsertNewCamper",Conn)
> Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
> paramReqID = Cmd.Parameters.Add("return",SqlDbType.Int)
> paramReqID.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
> Cmd.Parameters.Add("FirstName",FirstName.Text)
> Cmd.Parameters.Add("LastName",LastName.Text)
> Cmd.Parameters.Add("UserName",UserName.Text)
> Cmd.Parameters.Add("Password",Password.Text)
> Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
> cID = CStr(Cmd.Parameters("return").Value)
> When I execute this code, I get the error, "#42000FUNCTION
> fccamp.sp_InsertNewCamper does not exist". However, it DOES exist. I can
> see it. It's named exactly the same, there are no misspellings or
> anything.
> One other difference is that this is calling it a "function" where it is
> actually a procedure. I could make this a function, I guess, however, I
> don't know how to write the code in ASP.NET <http://ASP.NET> to grab the
> return value.
> I've checked Google, and found very little on this error, and don't even
> know what to look for in the manual. Does anyone know what might be going
> on
> here?
> Thanks,
> Jesse
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