I use the MyQSL Query Browser for a library database.
I have come across a problem in MySQL: Using extended characters, as š, is not 
a problem, as long as they are present in the standard 256 characters of a 
font. Things become more difficult when I need other East Europe characters. 
Could anyone suggest any information about this matter? How to use all the 
characters present in the Times New Roman font (which includes Hebrew, greek, 
Arab, and all East Europe characters) ? Is it possible to include them in a 
MySQL database ?
In addition to this, I have another problem:
I use the latin-1 code page for most of the text. I need to use some additional 
characters. (I use Internet Explorer as interface). To display the characters 
is not difficult: #1488; will display the hebew "Aleph". No problem. The 
trouble is for writing a request and ordering the result list, ("collation"). 
Standard collations of MySQL sends the special characters in the end of the 
list. Suppose a request which sends 6 charterhouses, it will be ordered like 
this :
and I would like :
The documentation at www.mysql.com indicates how things can be modified. But 
I've been told that the support for Unicode is not yet good in MySQL. Is it 
possible to find whether this is true?  
I would also need that the user can type : Stipa without the accent, and find 
the result. 
As I said, we have found the trick for the standard 256 ANSI characters.  The 
question is more difficult if Unicode is needed. The chapter 11 explains this 
matter, but I am not sure that all this works well presently. I would just like 
to know if MySQL is really ready for unicode use.
Well, I thank you in advance.

Raúl Mauri

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