Re: Calculate elapsed time between 2 time/dates

2003-03-13 Thread Sankaranarayanan Mahadevan
you can use any programmin language to manipulate... i did the following in PHP... //### // Function to calculate remaining days, hours,

Testing the Server Load

2002-12-22 Thread Sankaranarayanan Mahadevan
Dear All, we have developed a web-based application for a client and now in its testing phase by next week... It uses Linux/PHP 4/MySQL 3.23 As the volume of user will be more, we are very much concerned about the server efficiency and our application efficiency/performance... Following are the

server load

2002-12-21 Thread Sankaranarayanan Mahadevan
hi we have developed for a client and now its testing phase by next week... using Linux/PHP/MySQL 3.23 we need to test the database load... like how efficienty query is executing... how many inserts..updataes taking place...etc... how much the data etc... is there any tools available for this? any

LIMIT problem when no record

2002-11-22 Thread Sankaranarayanan Mahadevan
Hi, i faced a problem when using LIMIT clause in select statement.. select * from Discussion Where ParentID=x Order By DatePosted Desc LIMIT 1 iam using the above select statement inside a loop where ParentID varies... when u run that program, suddenly mysql stopped and said mysql-opt error

Importing diff format date to MySQL

2002-10-11 Thread Sankaranarayanan Mahadevan
Hi, I have data in CSV format file which has a date value in the format 'dd/mm/yy'? When i used 'Load data...' to import to a MySQL table, all the fields gets the value from the file except the date field that contains the date of birth?? is there any way to format and import??? Thanks Regards

Importing data from Oracle

2002-05-21 Thread SankaraNarayanan Mahadevan
Hi, I am having two servers running Oracle and MySQL database. Views has been created for me in Oracle and I want to import data from that Oracle table to my MySQL table. I want a script like something main thing is I want to import data from that Oracle database to MySQL a

MySQL stops suddenly

2002-04-03 Thread SankaraNarayanan Mahadevan
Hi, I have MySQL 3.23 installed in Windows 2000 Server 4 days ago. It runs as a service of the server. It was working fine. But now it stops abrubtly. When I run the PhpMyAdmin from the browser it says the following : -- Error MySQL said: Go Back -- It does not say anything

Re: Running MySQL as Service on 2000 Server

2002-03-08 Thread SankaraNarayanan Mahadevan
Hi, I am also facing the same Win2K When i try to run in from the service, it says some error so i referred to some sites...and just using the command line as standalone Also i acould not run apache as a service... I could not see it under services... Any way to start

urgent : Problem in Group by clause

2002-02-16 Thread SankaraNarayanan Mahadevan
hi all, i have a problem in mysql query... lemme state the scenario... i have a table 'UploadDetails' in which i am storing data regd files... the fields are: FileName, Title, Designer, UploadedBy, SubmittedDate i want to get details about whose files are designed by who..etc... that is i

urgent : Problem in Group by clause

2002-02-16 Thread SankaraNarayanan Mahadevan
hi all, i have a problem in mysql query... lemme state the scenario... i have a table 'UploadDetails' in which i am storing data regd files... the fields are: FileName, Title, Designer, UploadedBy, SubmittedDate i want to get details about whose files are designed by who..etc... that is i

How to set CD as autorun

2002-01-06 Thread SankaraNarayanan Mahadevan
Hi, I have developed an application in PHP/MySQL in Linux environment. I need to burn it in a CD and give it to the client. I need to do one thing - that is when the client insert that CD automatically my setup should run. How to do that...? what sort of coding i need to do ..? is it that i

Null Value In a Column

2001-12-30 Thread SankaraNarayanan Mahadevan
Hi, I want to select record from a table that return empty string or something else that i want, if a column contains null value. can we do that in a select statement. I tried IsNUll function but it return wither 1 or 0. In MS SQL Server u got a function IsNULL that accepts 2 parameter -


2001-12-27 Thread SankaraNarayanan Mahadevan
Hi, I am connecting MySQL in Linux server through Visual Basic in windows. When i used the recordset to select a record, the RecordCount method returns -1 even there is record in the table. following is the connection string i used Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data

Case Sensitivity in MySQL

2001-12-26 Thread SankaraNarayanan Mahadevan
Hi, I have a situation as follows: There is a table that stores the user name. One user name is 'David' and another is 'david' I want to select only the user with the name 'david'(all small and not 'David') MySQL is case insensitive in selecting records... how to make it case-sensitive in

Case sensitive in selecting records

2001-12-26 Thread SankaraNarayanan Mahadevan
Hi, I have a situation as follows: There is a table that stores the user name. One user name is 'David' and another is 'david' I want to select only the user with the name 'david'(all small and not 'David') MySQL is case insensitive in selecting records... how to make it case-sensitive in