
I am replicating from 4.0.17 to 4.0.16.  I read through the replication
docs, and I didn't see anything relating to what I'm trying.

What I am hoping to do ... is slave the multiple databases ( the whole
thing ), in order to avoid shutting down ( or at least locking ) the
master and making a copy/dump.

When I tried, and did a show master status ... the message was "Writing
to Net".  I left it for several hours, but nothing at all was replicated
that I saw, and the status never changed.

My question the, is that is this possible to do a full replication
without a dump of some sort ?

My replication config on the slave side is:
replicate-do-db = db1
replicate-do-db = db2
replicate-do-db = db3

And on the master the following:
server-id       = 11
log-bin         = /mysql/log/binlog
binlog-do-db    = db1
binlog-do-db    = db2
binlog-do-db    = db3

**( this is not the complete config, just the relevant portions )

Additional information:
        The master server, got its data by replicating from the
original.  In this regard, even though binary logging has been turned on
since the *this* master was built, the binary logs will not contain the
sum total of all the transactions the db has ever seen.

I can of course do a dump if I need to, but it would be much easier for
me to "replicate fully on the fly" if I can, even though it will take
much longer.

Any advice would be great,

Real Time, adj.:
   Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs
   there and then.
   Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914), The Devil's Dictionary

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