
I am using egroupware and in the calendar on a specific day and event I
click on the link but MySQL gives me the following error


Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM phpgw_links WHERE (link_app1 =
'calendar' AND link_id1 = '5') OR (link_app2 = 'calendar' AND link_id2 =
'5') ORDER BY link_lastmod DESC
mysql Error: 1146 (Table 'egroupware.phpgw_links' doesn't exist)

File: /var/www/html/egroupware/infolog/inc/class.solink.inc.php
Line: 132
Function: calendar.uicalendar.view 3.23.58




I am using php 4.2.2 and MySQL, also have no background of php and Mysql,
Please help!!



Thank you,



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