Or the more standard INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
Shaunak Kashyap
Senior Web Developer
WPT Enterprises, Inc.
5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 350
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Direct: 323.330.9870
Main: 323.330.9900
.sales99, t00.sales00
FROM tmp_sales_rep AS t
LEFT JOIN Table_1998 AS t98 ON t.empl_id = t98.empl_id
LEFT JOIN Table_1999 AS t99 ON t.empl_id = t99.empl_id
LEFT JOIN Table_2000 AS t00 ON t.empl_id = t00.empl_id
Hope that helps,
Shaunak Kashyap
Senior Web Developer
WPT Enterprises, Inc.
Do you have a table that has *all* your employees ids (empl_id)?
Shaunak Kashyap
Senior Web Developer
WPT Enterprises, Inc.
5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 350
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Direct: 323.330.9870
Main: 323.330.9900
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