i've some troubels between the installation of mysql-3.23.35 on my suse
linux 7.0 system.
in the fiel 'INSTALL-BINARY' stands i should unzip the archive with the

gzip < mysql-3.23.35.tar.gz | tar xvf -

when i type this shell command i've got an error.
but the unzip works with this two commands:

gzip -dv mysql-3.23.35.tar.gz
tar -xvf mysql-3.23.35.tar

afte i ve unzipped the archive the 'INSTALL-BINARY' tells me to make a
symbolic link. and then to execute the script mysql_install_db in the
scripts directory.
but i haven't this one.
i havbe only the mysql_install_db.sh.
this file is also in the scripts directory. i don't know how to going on.
can you tell me ? must i compile this file ?

my system:
   - SuSE Linux 7.0
   - Pentium 133
   - 40 MB Ram
   - Laptop

Hope for help.


      eMial: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     Web: www.sirabdul.de  ICQ: 38724610

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