a problem with the java connection to it for
now. Unless what I've sent above raises any concerns for anyone on the
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 03:24:25PM -0800, Tauren Mills wrote:
> > I am hosting websites that use the mysql database. One of my
> customers has
I am hosting websites that use the mysql database. One of my customers has
a query that they run occasionally that really bogs down the entire server.
The load sometimes jumps up into the double digits (on a Red Hat 6.2
Here is their query:
select count(*) from aptreviews, aptcomplexes
Within the last few days we've started having serious problems with our
database. We have no problems connecting to it using "mysql" and
"mysqladmin". For instance, this command lets us into the database just
mysql -ucustomer -p customer_database
The database seems to be working correctly