Hi, Guys!
I have difficulties to talk to MySql via Java Servlet and Resin.
We use Solaries, and Resin as Servlet container. The server I use and the
server with MySql database is connected via LAN.
What I have done:
1. I have put resin's mysql jdbc driver in resin/lib, and set up CLASSPATH
as Env variable and in resin.conf. My test code shows that the driver is
2. I defined both jadbcDriver and dbURL
    String jdbcDriver="com.caucho.jdbc.mysql.Driver"; 
    String dbURL="jdbc:mysql://hostservername:3306/dbname"; 
3. Run code:
   out.println("<h2>Got mysql driver in STAGING, ...</h2>\n\n");
   dbConn=DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, username, password); 
   out.println("<h2>And connect MySql in T1!</h2>");
catch (Exception e) {
   out.println("Error: " + e);
generated error message:
Error: java.sql.SQLException: Communication link failure: Bad handshake 
My Questions:
1. Since I use 3306 as port number, could it be wrong? If it may, how could
I find the port which Mysql listens to?
2. If it is not a port problem, what might be the cause of the failure?
I appreciate much any of your helps!

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