Hello   I am a new mysql user.  Can anyone tell me why this does not create a 
<           ?php    (the spaces before the question mark are not in the code)
mysql_connect(localhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword);
mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("unable to select database");
$query="create table patnotes(patid int(9) not null unsigned, patnote int(6) 
not null unsigned auto_increment,
parentid int not null unsigned, appuserid varchar(40) not null, subject 
varchar(100) not null,
body longtext not null),
primary key(patnote),
unique id(patnote)";
then the closing question mark and carat on this line              this does 
not build a file and I am wondering what syntax I am missing here               
   thanks dennis 

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