... this one is peculiar, and I *do* hope there's a workaround:

Using MySQL 3.23.58 and cannot upgrade. When running "SELECT * FROM tblname 
WHERE match(a) against('very_common_word') LIMIT 1" the whole table is scanned 
just to give me no results at all. The very common word *does* appear, and 
appears in more than 50% of the lines.

However, I would think that there is no need to scan the whole table just for 
that. In MySQL4 the result comes out much quicker, but still very slowly.

To contrast, if I use "a_non_existent_word" instead of "a_very_common_word" I 
get 0 rows immeidately. If I use "an_existing_but_not_common_word" I get 1 row 
quickly: not immeidately as a non-existing row, but not so slowly as a very 
common word.

1) Why the different behavior between MySQL 3 and 4 ?
2) How to circumnavigate in MySQL 3?


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