Hello! I have been struggling with this, and donīt know how to move on. I have several databases they have the same stucture. I want to gather all data från one type of table in the databases to another table: "merge-union operation".
I have done that operation and it looks okay, but arenīt. Beacuse the index in the new tables are null, in the old tables the index are the same as the number of instances in the table. And it mathers beacuse the webapplikation shows nothing of whats seems to be in the tables. I have an webbapplikation in php to present the data (itīs formated into statistics). And the webbapplikation need besides the "answer" table also a "person" table. I have Mysql-admin to administrate Mysql. I have some knowledge about databases in general, but Mysql are new to me. My queries looks like this: CREATE TABLE answer (id INT, value TINYINT, question INT, person INT, INDEX(id) ) TYPE=MERGE UNION=( answer1, person2, person3) CREATE TABLE person (id INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, namecode VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', password VARCHAR (8) default NULL, isinvited TINYINT(4) NOT NULL default '0', isdone TINYINT (4) NOT NULL default '0', section TINYINT (3) unsigned default NULL, INDEX(id) , INDEX(namecode) ) TYPE=MERGE UNION=(person1, person2, person3 I am very thankful for help in this matter. regards Rosemarie -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]