
*QxOrm 1.3.2* (C++/Qt ORM Object Relational Mapping database library)
and *QxEntityEditor
1.1.8* (the graphic editor) just released (http://www.qxorm.com/) !

Changes in version *QxOrm 1.3.2*:

*- Support C++11 types (need to set compilation options in QxOrm.pri config
file to enable these features)- With _QX_CPP_11_SMART_PTR compilation
option : std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr, std::weak_ptr- With
_QX_CPP_11_CONTAINER compilation option : std::unordered_map,
std::unordered_set, std::unordered_multimap, std::unordered_multiset- With
_QX_CPP_11_TUPLE compilation option : std::tuple*

Changes in version *QxEntityEditor 1.1.8*:

*- Improve import plugins : reduce import process time : now, you can
import hundred of entities in few seconds into a QxEntityEditor project-
Relationship n-1 : possibility to define a database column name different
than the relationship name- New file qxBlogExec.zip in the ./samples/
directory of QxEntityEditor package : this is a C++/Qt example project
which depends on the qxBlog.qxee generated files- Improve import by ODBC
plugin screen : new schema/namespace level in the list of tables/views
treeview- Fix a performance issue to load large diagram with new style to
draw relationships : you can now load quickly a project with hundred of
entities- Add new C++11 types to manage relationships, decoration,
collection (std::shared_ptr, std::unordered_map and std::unordered_set) :
C++11 features must be enabled in QxOrm.pri config file to use these
classes- Import process more permissive : possibility to import tables
without primary key and tables without column*

For more details about QxOrm library and QxEntityEditor application, please
go to website : http://www.qxorm.com/


Lionel Marty - QxOrm library

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