DAC for MySQL is direct access components for MySQL, EnterpriseDB. It
allows you to create Delphi/C++Builder applications with direct access to
DAC for MySQL/EnterpriseDB without BDE and ODBC.

What’s new in v2.9.0:
Support for RAD Studio XE4, Lazarus and Windows x64 added, several minor
improvements and bug fixes.

Full changelog:

[!] Support for RAD Studio XE4 added
[!] Support for Lazarus added
[!] Support for Windows x64 added
[+] Function TmySQLDataset.GetFieldType for return internal field types
defined in the DAC for MySQL modules added
[*] Using the library "ws2_32" instead of "winsock32.dll"
[*] Handling of TmySQLTable.Offset property improved
[-] "Error connecting to the database in windows x64" bug fixed
[-] "Incorrect work Locate and Lookup functions with filtered records" bug
[-] "Access violation when uploading blobs in Delphi 2007 and older
versions" bug fixed
[-] "TmySQLMonitor did not work" bug fixed

You're welcome to download the DAC for MySQL v2.9.0 right now at:
http://microolap.com/products/connectivity/mysqldac/download/ ,

or login to your private area on our site at

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our Support
Ticketing system available at

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