Ladies, gentlemen, Upscene Productions is happy to announce the next version of the popular database development tool: Database Workbench 2.7.0 has been released today! Based on user feedback, there are numerous bugfixes, new functionality and enhancements.
Download a trial at: Features and fixes: Database Workbench supports: - Borland InterBase ( v4.x - v7.x ) - Firebird ( v1.x ) - MS SQL Server/MSDE ( v6.5, 7, 2000, MSDE 1 & 2 ) - MySQL 4, 4.1 - Oracle Database ( 8i, 9i, 10g ) If you experience any problems with this new version, don't hestitate and either go to the website and send a support email or email directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] New Features ------------------------ - Oracle Database support - support for schema objects: - Tables - Views - Synonyms - Sequences - Stored Procedures - Stored Functions - Packages - Indices - Triggers - Constraints - Tested on Oracle 8, 9 and 10 - Reports "print to file": PDF/RTF/HTML/Lotus/Quattro/BMP - MSSQL: "Syntax Check" in Stored Procedure and Stored Function Editors - MSSQL: Index Editor allows re-calculating index statistics - MSSQL: allow editting of PK name for new tables/tables without a PK - Shortcuts/context menu options to upper/lower/initcap case words or selected blocks - Grant Manager: added grid wide grant/revoke/reset to context popup menu in the grid - Added "Re-compile All Functions" and "Re-compile Function" to DB Navigator - Describe Companion lists Stored Functions and Procedures - Schema Migrator: - ADO source supports migrating Foreign Keys if the driver supports it - ODBC source supports Foreign Key Constraints if the driver supports it - ODBC source supports Indices if the driver supports it Enhancements ------------------------ - Minor GUI enhancements - User configurable code completion delay - CSV Import: - accepts files that don't quote strings - added 1-on-1 automap when "first row is header" is unchecked - enhanced error reporting: faulty lines are saved to another file. - execute SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON for MS SQL tables - DataPump and TDG executes "set identity_insert ON" before transferring/generating data to MS SQL tables - DataPump lists source values on record transfer error - Right click "Schema" node in DB Navigator and select "Search in Schema" to search that schema - All Object Editors have their toolbars split up and positions saved - BLOB Editor uses less memory on (larger) BLOBs - New objects get added alphabetically in the DB Navigator - Grant Manager: can extract GRANT/REVOKE statements for current grantee only instead of always for all grantees - MSSQL: Added "Connect As" to Database popup menu - MSSQL: Ability to enter a different username/password combination for each available database - MySQL/Oracle: ability to register servers with the same hostname, but different additional attributes like "port" - IB/Fb: creating triggers at the same position will raise a warning - IB/Fb: improvements with name-warnings wrt special characters - Fb: support for Firebird 2.0 system defined external functions (cannot be editted or dropped) - IB/Fb/MSSQL/MySQL: Ability to edit hostname for registered servers - MySQL: added support for CSV and ARCHIVE table types - MySQL: ability to add PK/autoinc fields for existing tables - MySQL: ability to delete columns that are part of the PK Fixes ------------------------ - MSSQL: items didn't get added with owner name in the Describe Companion after the initial init of the DC - MSSQL: multi-directional indices didn't "update" its column direction for each column after changing and saving - MSSQL: Stored Procedure and Function editor didn't have the right popupmenu in the editor part - MSSQL: fixed some problems related to weird collations and SQL-query aliasses - MSSQL: fixed "sort buffer exceeded" problem with fetching tables/views for some databases - MSSQL: fixed DataPump error with transferring data into IMAGE column - MSSQL: doing "table fragmentation" and "rebuild index" could fail with message "no clustered index available" on the first attempt - MSSQL: Grant manager couldn't grant "Execute" or "Reference" on "User Defined Functions" - MSSQL: small error fixed for object locks not related to any database - MSSQL: GRANTs weren't extracted for User Defined Functions when doing a full schema DDL extract - MSSQL: statement recording for DDL didn't work properly from editors or SQL Editor - MSSQL: duplicating a table with a PK would result in the same PK-name being used, resulting in an error - MSSQL: DBW could lock up when having an uncommitted metadata change and doing a "refresh list" in the DB Navigator - MSSQL: removed error "[newtable] not found" on duplicating Table with PK and without "editting before saving" - MSSQL/MySQL: adding a PK in the Table Editor wouldn't display it in the Database Navigator - MSSQL/MySQL: Duplicating a table with a PK would result in an AV when closing the connection - IB/Fb/MSSQL: can no longer enter text in Procedure/Function editor when no procedure of function is selected - Fb: fixed bug when adding new indices and having "show table name" on in the DB Navigator - Fb: migrating/comparing an index to Firebird could fail with an AV - Fb: fixed [FOR] EXECUTE STATEMENT <var> warning "Value assigned to <var> never used" in debugger/syntax check. - Fb: Debugger/syntax check didn't support optional "VARIABLE" in DECLARE [VARIABLE] for Firebird 1.5 and up - Fb: Syntax check didn't recognize Firebird 1.5 GDSCODE/SQLCODE context variables - Fb: "bigint" wasn't supported when migrating to Firebird 1.5 - Fb: Firebird 2.0 system defined external functions raised exceptions - IB/Fb: fixed a rename-column error if you re-set the column name to it's original name - IB/Fb: fixed a client-side exception happening if you changed a column from a varchar to non-varchar datatype - IB/Fb: reserved words in columns are quoted (eg: "TYPE") when performing inserts/updates via data grids - IB/Fb: single line comments (-- comment) wasn't valid for the Syntax Check - IB/Fb: fixed bug in debugger with two SUSPENDs in the same loop returning the wrong values (current and next) - IB/Fb: fixed register a database on different server than the newly registered server. - IB/Fb: fixed an error in the Procedure debugger and large numerics - MySQL: using the top left corner in the Grant Manager didn't grant all privileges - MySQL: removed possible AV when searching for a constraint in the DB Navigator and not finding it - MySQL: fetching metadata failed on MySQL 5 because of reported table type "memory" instead of "heap" - MySQL: fixed an error with the PK DDL - DataPump: - didn't show proper image for temp-tables in "destination" area - auto-map also mapped columns for computed destination columns - selecting a different ADO query syntax and then changing the connection type didn't set it to the normal syntax again - "index out of bounds" error when using ODBC as the target - Schema Compare: - no script for Sequences/Generators was created - procedure parameters (IB/Fb) weren't modified and script collected - procedure/function parameter differences weren't properly detected - when both tables didn't have a PK, the SC would say "PK name different" - DDL compare: missed in-between-spaces as differences - Schema Migration: - constraints would be migrated twice when selected and using the option "include table constraints" - Migrating from engines that don't support domains to engines that do support domains raised lots of warnings "domain ignored" while this doesn't apply - some ADO drivers don't support indices, this would result in an exception - Fixed an error with adding data in grids, commit the transaction but ignoring the last inserted/changed row. - Revised Export Data system: all exports are possible to folder, even for single table. All bugs in 2.6 fixed. - Fixed problem with exporting missing "auto-inc" fields for XLS, DBF and Lotus - DWX Import failed when rows couldn't be imported - Assertion failure when creating new indices for duplicated tables - "Users" were missing from the "Find Object" in the DB Navigator (for database engines that support schema-specific users) - Exporting datetime/time to INSERTs would export "milliseconds" in the wrong format - TDG: random length string did not honor lower boundary due to an error - Fixed "Field xx not found" in BLOB Editor when switching tables while having the BLOB Editor open. - Removed memory leak in all generic object editors Thank you for your support, Martijn Tonies Database Workbench - the database developer tool for professionals Upscene Productions -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]