AW: MySQL + nfs + Netapp

2001-06-19 Thread Stepan Havel
Thx, that helped! We plan it in the sipler scenario (1 mysqld at time) Of cource we will test it first, before taking it into production. My last question would be: Does it also work if the lockd and statd is not running on the machine where mysqld is running? Stepan On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 09:4

AW: MySQL + nfs + Netapp

2001-06-19 Thread Stepan Havel
The answers I find are on the one hand: Yes, it works perfectly, I run mysql on a Netapp filer for hunderts of years! , or on the other hand: It simply does not work with nfs and locking it core dumps inconsistent isam files and so on! Do you feel my problem? :-) Stepan -Ursprungliche Nachr