Hi MySQL'ers --

I run multiple HIPAA compliant databases and a lot of very secure patient 
information in my MySQL databases.

However, I am a bit of a security phreak and want to go a step further and 
encode the data INSIDE the database so that, in the very unlikely event that 
someone can bum-rush my security guards, break past the bullet-proof door 
walls, and rip out my hard drives through the locked rack cabinet, I want to 
ensure my data is safe.

Also, I want to make it so that you cannot even LOOK at the data unless you 
know the correct encryption keys.

I currently employ AES encryption for keeping passwords and such, and have been 
very successful in doing so. However, I have run into a snag and I am hoping 
that you all can suggest ways to rectify this or provide better ideas than I 
currently employ.

Quick Rundown:

MySQL 5.0.38 running on Debian Linux, Kernel 2.6, fully up-to-date.
Server Side Language - ASP (yes, I know, don't say anything....)
Web Server - IIS 6.0, Windows Server 2003 SP2.
ODBC - MyODBC 3.15.17
5 different firewalls (3x Linux (technically 1 firewall, 3 chains), 1 Windows, 
1 hardware router firewall).
1024-bit SSL encryption from client to Web app, 256-bit SSL from Web app to 
MySQL (and the server will kick you if you are not using SSL).

Here are the questions at hand:

1) When using any encryption method, I continuously get a "Error Nr 2014: 
Commands out of sync."  I have checked the manual, but it does not provide any 
helpful information, as I can be connecting only through the CLI on my Linux 
box and it gives me the same error. MySQL Query Browser also supplies said 

Question:  What exactly are the correct command sequences so as I can rectify 
this error, and why do I get it from 3 different clients, even when I am the 
only one connected?

2) When using any encryption method, I can successfully ENCODE, DECODE, 
AES_ENCRYPT, and AES_DECRYPT all of the necessary data, however, the Query 
Browser (and hence, my app) cannot display the data as it seems as though the 
column length is NULL, even though you can expand the column and see the data. 
The CLI reports the data correctly. 

The fields in question are LONGTEXT.

Is this a case where encoding or encryption is not worth the CPU clocks, or is 
the field just too long to encode? Should I consider moving these to VARCHAR() 
instead of LONGTEXT?

3) We do research-based data mining on these records, and of course, encryption 
will hinder this process. Would setting up temp tables with the unencrypted 
data be the best course of action for doing the research that is necessary?

Thank you for your time and I look forward to discussing these issues with you.


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