Re: Blob accepts LongBlob without error

2002-12-03 Thread Jan Steinman
>From: "Ryan @ Common Ground . To" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > >It seems that MySQL accepts insertion of a string into a BLOB field that is longer >than the maximum length of the BLOB data-type and it will still accept it. > >Perhaps MySQL should output an error or at least a warning to know the string

re: Blob accepts LongBlob without error

2002-12-03 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Ryan, Tuesday, December 03, 2002, 2:04:03 AM, you wrote: RCGT> I have successfully inserted and retrieved binary image files within RCGT> MySQL. No big deal. RCGT> However, for quite some time I was perplexed because only about half my RCGT> image was going through. RCGT> It seems that MySQL a

Blob accepts LongBlob without error

2002-12-02 Thread Ryan @ Common Ground . To
I have successfully inserted and retrieved binary image files within MySQL. No big deal. However, for quite some time I was perplexed because only about half my image was going through. It seems that MySQL accepts insertion of a string into a BLOB field that is longer than the maximum length