At 12:54 +0100 3/13/03, Roger Baklund wrote:
* YC Nyon
I need to get the time/date (ie. 1 day 12 hours 11 min 4sec)
between 2 time dates.
Can't seem to find any of these functions in the Mysql manual. The nearest
was Period_diff() which is calculating months elapsed.
I don't think you can do it
you can use any programmin language to manipulate...
i did the following in PHP...
// Function to calculate remaining days, hours,
* YC Nyon
> I need to get the time/date (ie. 1 day 12 hours 11 min 4sec)
> between 2 time dates.
> Can't seem to find any of these functions in the Mysql manual. The nearest
> was Period_diff() which is calculating months elapsed.
I don't think you can do it directly, you have to split the day and
I need to get the time/date (ie. 1 day 12 hours 11 min 4sec) between 2 time
Can't seem to find any of these functions in the Mysql manual. The nearest
was Period_diff() which is calculating months elapsed.
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