At 15:18 10/4/2002 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Thank you for your help, but I know that I must compile kernel (mysqld)
>with this char set. But, this I can do with Unix (or Linux, etc.). What
>can I do with kernel for Win32? Is any mysqld with char set win1250
>compiled i
Thank you for your help, but I know that I must compile kernel (mysqld) with this char
set. But, this I can do with Unix (or Linux, etc.). What can I do with kernel for
Win32? Is any mysqld with char set win1250 compiled in? Or must I download any other
version of MySQL? And which version
I have simple question.I have installed on my computer WinNT 4.0, Apache 1.3.14,
PHP4 (4.0.4pl1), MySQL MAX 4.0.1. There's problem with char set win1250. I don't know
how can I link this char
PZ> set. Script with this row $spojeni = MySQL_Connect("localhost"); sends an
I have simple question.I have installed on my computer WinNT 4.0, Apache 1.3.14, PHP4
(4.0.4pl1), MySQL MAX 4.0.1. There's problem with char set win1250. I don't know how
can I link this char set. Script with this row $spojeni = MySQL_Connect("localhost");