In regards to building the source distribution of MySQL on a Solaris/Intel system 
(i.e. Solaris 8 for Intel),  I have successfully 'built' and installed MySQL 3.23.40,  
and found the following tasks need to be performed:

As Phil Dibowitz stated:

    You need to have your LD_LIBRARY_PATH set. For the SFW packages make sure 
/opt/sfw/lib is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (and I'm not quite sure what it is for the versions, probably /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib).

    I got my "gcc" (version 2.95.3) from,  so I set my 
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH" to "/usr/local/lib"

        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

I also downloaded and installed the following packages from 
(besides the "gcc-2.95.3" package):

    Gnu "tar-1.1.3"  (so you can 'uncompress' the MySQL source package while you 
unpack it...)
The 'make' process complains about "ar" and "strip" missing,  so I created a symbolic 
link from "/usr/local/bin" to "/usr/ccs/bin/ar" and "/usr/ccs/bin/strip"

Also,  as a side-note...   I'm using Solaris on Intel for 'home use' in order to keep 
up my Sun skills...  Since version 7,  the 'software' difference between the 2 
architectures is hard to see (so it makes a good platform for simulating what the O/S 
and software is configured like on the large SPARC systems at work, since all of the 
scripts and config files are the same),  and it's a lot cheaper than to go out and buy 
a decent Sparc setup...

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