
I am relatively new to the MySQL flavor of database server 
and now have run into a situation on my hosting that I 
don't seem to be able to resolve.

I installed a new query using TEMPORARY tables via the 
PHP 4 interface on a production database and suddenly 
began receiving PHP timeouts. From this point on, access 
to the database has been severely restricted.

I have run a few diagnostics and ascertained the following:
  - there are a growing number of processes - queries - 
    displayed by mysql_list_processes as accessing my 
  - phpMyAdmin displays a process that can't be killed.
    It appears to be the process to execute the SQL using
    TEMPORARY tables.
  - only one table appears to be blocked. SELECT COUNT(*)
    on all other tables works fine. This is a central 
    table, however it was not involved in the TEMPORARY
    table statement. When I attempt SELECT COUNT(*) on
    the problem table, the statement blocks for a period
    (PHP timeout?) and then dies with no apparent error 
    status or message.
  - The support people at my hosting claim that I still
    have 1.4 GB space (my complete hosting allocation)
    for TEMPORARY tables.

I have tried to get my hosting - - to assist, 
but besides suggesting RTFM and the repair function, they
have not been particularly helpful. I'm sure all it needs
is for the server to be restarted, but I do understand that
it is not always possible to do such in a shared environment.

  1) How does a user with no shell access kill this process?
  2) Is a "repair" really the right thing to do in this 
  3) With the constraint of PHP 4.3.11 and MySQL 4.0.25-standard, 
     how do I use TEMPORARY tables and not get myself into 
     this predicament?

Thanks much for any tips.


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