Re: Error/crash with InnoDB if table name = database name

2001-06-20 Thread Miguel Angel Solórzano
At 20:41 20/06/2001 +0200, Markus Wichitill wrote: Hi, Thanks for the bug report. I was be able to repeat the issue after I dropped the already existing database test. The problem is InnoDB applies the following error: Innobase: error: table test/test already exists in Innobase data dictionary

Error/crash with InnoDB if table name = database name

2001-06-20 Thread Markus Wichitill
Hi, I'm using MySQL 3.23.39-log compiled from sources on SuSE Linux 6.4. When I create an InnoDB table with the same name as the database, I get the following error message: mysql> create database test; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) mysql> create table test (x int) type=innodb; ER