Never mind, I got that part :-) Thanks anyway!!

How do I make an error display, but still continue the script anyway? The
subroutine does not exit, but the subroutine that calls it doesn't continue
after the error message, it just quits.

=Dawn H

-----Original Message-----
From: Dawn H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 10:21 PM
To: MySQL Email List
Subject: Inserting without knowing . . .

Got the code below, an excerpt anyway. I need to be able to insert each of
the rooms without knowing ahead of time which rooms are going to be chosen.
Line 10, they choose their rooms. Line 41, they list their room size. How do
I pull the info out that's input in Line 41 and insert it into the database?
I have a limited number of room names, but some houses don't have some
rooms, so the list won't be the same every time. I'm sure there must be an
easy way to do this but I'm at a loss. Thanks in advance.

=Dawn H

1       print h3('Submit a Property, Page Three - Select Your Rooms'),
2       start_form;
3       print table(
4               TR(
5               td('Your listing ID number is'),
6               td(hidden(-name=>'id',-value=>$id),$id),
7               ),
8               TR(
9               td('What rooms does your house have? '),
11              ),
12              TR(
13              td({-colspan=>'2',-bgcolor=>'maroon'},
14              submit(-name=>'action',-value=>'Describe Rooms (Next)')," ",
15              submit(-name=>'action',-value=>'Cancel')),
16              ),
17      ),
18      end_form;
19 }
21sub describe_rooms {
22      $id=param('id');
23      my $room;
24#     print "The rooms paramater holds: ",param('rooms'),br;
25      my @rooms=param('rooms');
26      print hidden(-name=>"rooms",-value=>@rooms);
27#     print "The rooms array holds: ",@rooms,br;
28      print h3('Submit a Property, Page Three - Describe Your Rooms'),
29      start_form;
30      print "<TABLE>";
31              print "<TR>";
32              print "<td>Your listing ID number is </TD>";
33              print "<td>";
34              print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\">";
35              print $id;
36              print "</TD>";
37              print "</TR>";
38              foreach $room(@rooms) {
39                              print TR(
40                              td('Dimensions of',$room,' '),
41                              td(textfield(-name=>'$room',-size=>'30')),
42                              );
43              }
44              print TR(
45              td({-colspan=>'2',-bgcolor=>'maroon'},
46              submit(-name=>'action',-value=>'Add_Pictures')," ",
47              submit(-name=>'action',-value=>'Finish')," ",
48              submit(-name=>'action',-value=>'Cancel')),
49              );
50      print "</TABLE>";
51      print end_form;
-----END CODE----

 Filter fixer: database,sql,query

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