Here’s an email from a good friend of mine that may be of interest. It is done 
in Ruby.
From: Brad Robel-Forrest [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2011 7:01 PM
To: Daevid Vincent
Subject: MySQL shell...with parameters
Remember a long while back I was bitching about the need for parameterized 
MySQL when working at the prompt? Well, it took me down a road and I've 
fulfilled that need and many more. If you're interested, I've opened a project 
on a shell that allows you to write all manner of SQL queries with variable 
interpolation and even generated query for programmatic searching through your 
database. Plus, it has the ability to do all of this remotely over an SSH 
connection without needing to have a mysql binary installed either locally or 
Main project site:
Installing on Windows:
I've been using it a ton for analyzing our database at work for the past 
several months. It's a rare day that goes by where I don't fire this up.


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