Re: Fulltext search string less than 4 characters

2005-01-06 Thread Brian Mansell
Lee, establish the fulltext minimum word length system variable as follows... [mysqld] ft_min_word_len=3 reference: cheers, --bemansell Brian E. Mansell MySQL Professional On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 20:59:23 -0500, leegold <[EMAIL PROTEC

Fulltext search string less than 4 characters

2005-01-06 Thread leegold
I want to know on Solaris how I could lower the the minimum fulltext search string from 4 to 3. Right now using the FullText search any string less than 4 chars is ignored. I'm sure there's a link explaining how. Maybe UNIX help in general on his would be good as well. Thanks, Lee G. -- MySQL G