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----- Forwarded by Shawn Green ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on 01/28/2005 09:00 AM 

Kyle Elmblade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/27/2005 04:59:28 PM:

> Hello Simon,
> I ran accross the post below in the MySQL forums, and I'm too lazy to 
sign up 
> and post. I might have an answer for you. It piques my interest any 
> time I see 
> a "is not a valid win32 application" in conjuction with an installed 
> I support an application that installs several services. All of 
> these services 
> reside, by default, in "c:\program files\<app name>\<servicename>.exe". 
> thing about services when Windows tries to start them up. It acts asif 
it is 
> attempting to start them from a command prompt, and consequently, having 
> space in the path can be an issue. For 99% of the world, it's never 
> a problem. 
> For the unlucky 1%, it can be a vexing, yet agonizingly simple issue.
> The root of the problem turns out to be with a file named "program", 
> in the root of the c:\ drive. This file does not have an extension, 
> and may or 
> may not even contain data in it. However, when Windblows (no, that's not 
> typo) goes looking for the application, it gets as far as "program",sees 
> there is nothing right after the "m", and checks first to see if it 
matches a 
> file rather than a folder. Surprise, it finds a file named "program", 
> consequently attempts to execute that program. ZAP, you get an error.
> Anyway, it's worth checking on. If it does solve your problem, I would 
> appreciate it if you could let me know. I'm curious to see if it's the 
> thing.
> Sincerely,
> Kyle Elmblade
> *************************************************
> Thanks for your suggestions, everyone, but I have followed the manual 
> repeated the installation process (with it's very nice GUI, by the way) 
> than once, and I still have a problem.
> Perhaps it isn't that simple after all.
> I had similar problem on this laptop when I installed version 4, and I 
> now the same message in event logs that "The MySQL service failed to 
> due to the following error: MySQL is not a valid win32 application".
> I had no problem installing and running version 4 of the server on a 
> running XP.  So I think the issue is with the laptop.
> At the beginning of the laptop installation XP whines that MySQL is not
> digitally signed or something, but when I instruct it to ignore that the
> installation commences.
> I noticed that the MySQL service records the old location of the 
> for the server but you can't edit that.
> So I chose MySQL4 as the service name during re-installation -but it 
> to create the service.    So I chose port 3307 in case that was causing 
> conflict -but still it refuses to create the service.
> If anyone thinks they know the solution to this problem (be it trivial 
> not) I'll take the risk that the answer might confuse me, because it's 
> in the manual.....
> Thanks for any help.

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