what is the error message you are getting?
Is the MySQL server running on the same machine you are trying to
connect to or are you connecting to a remote machine?
On Tuesday, September 3, 2002, at 09:40 PM, Al Davis wrote:
> Being new to MYSQL as well as this list, I'm hoping you'll forgive
Pada Tue, 3 Sep 2002 21:40:44 -0400
"Al Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis :
> Being new to MYSQL as well as this list, I'm hoping you'll forgive what
> I'm sure will be a rather "dumb" question...
> I just installed mysql on a new install of SUSE 8.0 and every time I try
> to connect to the mysq
Being new to MYSQL as well as this list, I'm hoping you'll forgive what
I'm sure will be a rather "dumb" question...
I just installed mysql on a new install of SUSE 8.0 and every time I try
to connect to the mysql server as a non root use I am denied
access..have changed passwords, granted permiss