Re: Help!! Extreme newbie

2002-09-05 Thread Steven Kreuzer
what is the error message you are getting? Is the MySQL server running on the same machine you are trying to connect to or are you connecting to a remote machine? On Tuesday, September 3, 2002, at 09:40 PM, Al Davis wrote: SK > Being new to MYSQL as well as this list, I'm hoping you'll forgive

Re: Help!! Extreme newbie

2002-09-03 Thread Dicky Wahyu Purnomo
Pada Tue, 3 Sep 2002 21:40:44 -0400 "Al Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis : > Being new to MYSQL as well as this list, I'm hoping you'll forgive what > I'm sure will be a rather "dumb" question... > I just installed mysql on a new install of SUSE 8.0 and every time I try > to connect to the mysq

Help!! Extreme newbie

2002-09-03 Thread Al Davis
Being new to MYSQL as well as this list, I'm hoping you'll forgive what I'm sure will be a rather "dumb" question... I just installed mysql on a new install of SUSE 8.0 and every time I try to connect to the mysql server as a non root use I am denied access..have changed passwords, granted permiss