I have a complex application under re-development, and am stuck on the data model which is almost certainly wrong. The application is designed to handle clinical requests coming into a hospital records system. A request concerns a single patient, and can come from a hospital or a GP (general practitioner). Details as follows:

1) The starting point is the requests table. Each request belongs to one patient.
2) Each patient can have one or many requests.
3) Each patient can have none, one or more than one patient/case number. Patient/case numbers are not unique to patients - eg 2 patients in two separate hospitals could have the same patient number.
4) The request can come from a hospital or a GP.
5) GP's belong to GP practices.
6) Each GP belongs to one GP practice, and each GP practice can have one or many GP's. 7) Clinicians belong to hospitals. Each clinician can belong to one or more hospitals. 8) Each clinician can have one or more specialities (though only 1 speciality per hospital).

From this requirement I have constructed the following 'primary' data tables:
  requests: id, date, request_number, patient_id, specimen, timestamp
  patients: id, last_name, first_name, dob, nhs_number, timestamp
  patient_numbers: id, patient_id, case_number
  hospitals: id, location_name, organisation_code
  clinicians: id, national_code, surname, initials
  specialities: id, speciality
  gp_practices: id, national_code, address, post_code
  general_practitioners: id, national_code, surname, practice_id

And various link tables:
  clinician_organisations: clinician_id, organisation, speciality_id
  hospital_requests: request_id, clinician_id, hospital_id, timestamp
  gp_requests: request_id, gp_id, practice_id, timestamp
  request_patient_numbers: request_id, patient_number_id

The primary to foreign key relationships are as follows:

requests.patient_id                       => patients.id
hospital_requests.request_id              => requests.id
hospital_requests.hospital_id             => hospitals.id
hospital_requests.clinician_id            => clinicians.id
gp_requests.request_id                    => requests.id
gp_requests.gp_id                         => general_practitioners.id
gp_requests.practice_id                   => gp_practices.id
clinician_organisations.clinician_id      => clinicians.id
clinician_organisations.speciality_id     => specialities.id
patient_numbers.patient_id                => patients.id
request_patient_numbers.request_id        => requests.id
request_patient_numbers.patient_number_id => patient_numbers.id

The sql to retrieve a request is as follows:

FROM requests
  JOIN patients ON (
    patients.id = requests.patient_id
  LEFT JOIN hospital_requests ON (
    hospital_requests.request_id = requests.id
  LEFT JOIN hospitals ON (
    hospitals.id = hospital_requests.hospital_id
  LEFT JOIN patient_numbers ON (
    patient_numbers.patient_id = patients.id
  LEFT JOIN request_patient_numbers ON (
    request_patient_numbers.patient_number_id = patient_numbers.id
    request_patient_numbers.request_id = requests.id
  LEFT JOIN clinicians ON (
    hospital_requests.clinician_id = clinicians.id
  LEFT JOIN clinician_organisations ON (
    clinician_organisations.clinician_id = clinicians.id
    left(clinician_organisations.organisation, 3) =
      left(hospitals.organisation_code, 3)
  LEFT JOIN specialities ON (
    specialities.id = clinician_organisations.speciality_id
WHERE requests.id = <unique requests.id>

This is for a single request from a hospital - I haven't got as far as including GP's in the query yet.

The problem is the case number (synonym for patient number) - if a patient has 2 or more cases numbers registered to them we get multiple records for the same request (one for each additional case number). Otherwise, if a patient has 0 or 1 case numbers registered to them then we correctly get a single result returned.

This suggests the data model is incorrect, at least where patients and case numbers are concerned. I suspect the problem involves the modelled relationships between patient_number, patient and request, but I would be most grateful for any assistance in optimising the data model so that it returns the correct information.
Richard Jones

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