Hello Everyone,

I am discovering that my MySQL server tends to get locked up by runaway
queries, that are continuously sending data.  Even after all night long.
(The origin of these queries is from report development.)

Without having to kill each connection manually on the MySQL server, is
there an easier way to automatically stop these runaway queries in the
configuration file?

I can't find any options for direct timeouts of active connections.

Instead, the closest thing that I can find is to limit the packet size.  See
below for MySQL documentation.  However, tt's confusing on what is a single
"packet".  But would this stop runaway queries from running all night long??


"A communication packet is a single SQL statement sent to the MySQL server
or a single row that is sent to the client.

In MySQL 3.23, the largest possible packet is 16MB, due to limits in the
client/server protocol. In MySQL 4.0.1 and up, the limit is 1GB."
Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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