On Fri, Mar 28, 2003 at 07:08:27PM -0300, Enrique L. Schamann wrote:
> Is there a way to limit how much of the processor % any of the mysqld
> processes could use ?
There's nothing specific to MySQL, no. But your operating system may
provide such features in a more general way.
Jeremy D. Zawo
Is there a way to limit how much of the processor % any of the mysqld
processes could use ?
Enrique Luis Schamann
Gerente de Infraestrutura
Salutia - Tecnologia e Saúde
Ed. Panambi
Rua Geraldo Flausino Gomes, 61 - cj. 112
04575-060 - Brooklin Novo
São Paulo, SP
Tel.: ++55-11-